Ladys and gentlemans! First, is a pleasure be here with you. I have never had a serious blog and never about fashion. So criticals are perfectly acceptable when done to help. Hmm, I'm brazilian.. So, I haven't a perfect english but is understandable. I LOVE fashion but it doesn't mean that I know much. I didn't do this blog to become an expert in the subject, I want to show my style and the things I like.
This is a blog to any expression of art and I want suggestions. Well, let's start with my presentation:
I am Talissa Monteiro, 17 years old. I am in the last year of high school, so this is a year of decisions. I want to start the History's course in a university and work in museums around the world.
About the name's blog.. I wanted just "ladyelizabeth" in the adress but it wasn't available :\.
Elizabeth refers to the Queen Elizabeth I from England, Henrique's daughter. Was the woman of Golden Age. I admire her and I love read about her life. So in the next post I will put a little about that incredible girl..
Lots of Love!
Thank you so much !